General Dentistry: The Facts You Should Know

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If you want a strong and healthy smile, then you’ll need to take advantage of general dentistry. General dentistry is a branch of dentistry that helps many patients have the top-notch oral health they deserve. With the help of preventive and therapeutic treatments, this is possible. To tell you more about general dentistry, our dentist, Dr. Roger Druckman, is happy to share the following facts with you:

-General dentistry can include both preventive and restorative dental treatments. In fact, you can find dental cleanings, dental exams, dental X-rays, dental fillings, dental crowns, tooth extractions and other dental treatments under the general dentistry umbrella.

-If you want a strong and successful oral health, then you need to attend your checkups every six months. This is because the cleaning performed can remove the plaque and tartar from the teeth and gumline, which can help you prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Tooth decay and gum disease are two of the most serious and dangerous dental issues.

-Usually, your routine dental checkups involve a thorough dental cleaning and exam as well as some dental X-rays, a fluoride treatment and a polishing treatment. However, there is the potential for the appointment to lead to restorative treatment. This is because if a dental problem is found during the exam, then your dentist will encourage treatment as soon as possible.

To learn more about general dentistry in Lakewood, Colorado, contact our dental team at your earliest convenience. When you reach out to us by dialing 303-324-0173, we will be more than happy to help you in any way we can, even if it’s just by answering your questions. We look forward to hearing from you!