What are Dental Crowns?

Have you ever had a friend or family member complain about their crowns being loose? Well, you know they’re not royalty, so they have to be talking about something else, right? Kidding aside, they’re likely talking about the sturdiness of their dental crowns. But what is a dental crown? And when would you ever need to use them? These are... read more »

Addressing a Disposition or Cavities

Do you take good care of your teeth every day with brushing and flossing but still develop cavities? Conversely, have you noticed that some people never seem to develop a cavity? You aren’t alone in this struggle. Some patients are naturally predisposed to have a high risk of cavities due to their genetics, but our team is here to help.... read more »

The Basics: Jaw and Facial Pain

If you want to maintain a health smile, you should look for signs and symptoms of damage that may to your mouth and address these concerns. If for example you are suffering from chronic jaw and facial pain, the problem could be linked to an underlying condition. You should visit your dentist for a comprehensive exam to determine the exact... read more »

General Dentistry: The Facts You Should Know

If you want a strong and healthy smile, then you’ll need to take advantage of general dentistry. General dentistry is a branch of dentistry that helps many patients have the top-notch oral health they deserve. With the help of preventive and therapeutic treatments, this is possible. To tell you more about general dentistry, our dentist, Dr. Roger Druckman, is happy... read more »

Combat Your Bad Breath

Our dentist, Dr. Roger Druckman in Lakewood, Colorado, is happy to help you combat your bad breath. There are many triggers to bad breath, and when it comes to overcoming it, our team is happy to help you. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be difficult to combat at times. However, there are many things you can do to... read more »

Dental Bridges for Knocked-Out Teeth

The root and strong periodontal ligaments that support your teeth are very durable but can be affected by a blow to the face, especially if there is sufficient force to knock out the tooth. This can result in severe trauma that needs to be addressed by a TMJ Specialist. While in some cases we may be able to place the... read more »

Eliminating Tooth Hazards from Your Life

  Always exercise caution with tooth hazards that are prevalent in your day-to-day life. This includes those activities that can potentially damage your smile, including bad habits or lifestyle choices that are not always best for your teeth and gums. Furthermore, never use your mouth for any activities for which they are not intended. Here are some helpful hints to remember... read more »

Smile Therapy: Bruxism Treatments

  Have you ever heard of bruxism? Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, is a condition in which your teeth become damaged or worn down over time due to grinding your teeth at night. In order to combat bruxism, it is first important to identify that is taking place and then taking the necessary steps to ensure treatment can be... read more »

Among Their Many Benefits, Dental Implants Make Smiles Stronger

Has tooth loss left one or more unattractive gaps in your smile? Tooth loss not only affects your smile’s appearance, it can also trigger shifting teeth, tooth decay, and gum disease. One of the many benefits of dental implants is that they provide the strength and support your smile needs to maintain stable health. Of the many negative side effects... read more »

Dental Facts on Cavity Prevention Treatments

If left untreated, acid erosion destroys your tooth enamel and can eventually lead to cavities. This is dangerous because it leaves the inner roots of your teeth vulnerable to infections and ultimately the risk of tooth loss. That is why it is important to establish an effective cavity prevention treatment plan to live by. To help keep your smile safe... read more »